Advancing Justice and Community Safety
Advocacy is our cornerstone, as we champion policies that support survivors and ensure community well-being. Through a balanced approach of restitution, mediation, treatment, supervision, and, when necessary, detention, we uphold justice and community safety.
Empowering Through Membership
At NYS ATSA, membership offers a gateway to a wealth of professional growth and collaboration. Our members are first part of the esteemed ATSA, the national association, and from there, they can join NYS ATSA for even more benefits.
Adapting Amidst a Changing World
As the world changed during the pandemic, so did we. Swiftly embracing virtual platforms, we pioneered Zoom trainings and an online conference. Today, we're excited to reintroduce in-person conferences while maintaining valuable online training with national experts.
Building Networks, Amplifying Impact
NYS ATSA isn't just an organization; we're a force for positive change. Our commitment remains unwavering – to transform lives, empower survivors, and build safer communities, together.
Prevention Moving Forward...
The proper assessment of the risk of recidivism is crucial for the prevention of sexual abuse. Below is the NYS ATSA position paper outlining our perspectives on the tools currently being utilized to assign Risk Levels to those convicted of sexual offenses. NYSATSA and Alliance Position Paper.
Joint Conference
We partner annually to offer a comprehensive conference that covers topics in the field of sex offense-specific treatment, supervision, assessment, management, prevention, and victim advocacy.
Our annual memberships offers access to exclusive resources, networking opportunities, and professional development opportunities. If you join one organization, you are a member of bot (pending eligibility requirements).
We offer a diverse range of training options that cater to professionals in the field. These trainings are designed to provide participants with the most up-to-date research and policy information in their area of work.

Membership offers a gateway to professional collaboration and impact. Our members are first part of the esteemed ATSA, the national association, and from there, they can join NYS ATSA for even more benefits. Join us today!