Welcome to the NYS ATSA Webpage!

We are thrilled to be rolling out a new website and some incredible content for our members over the next year. While we continue building our new website, please check out The NYS Alliance for the Prevention of Sexual Abuse website (our sister organization) for more resources!

Prevention Moving Forward...

The proper assessment of the risk of recidivism is crucial for the prevention of sexual abuse. Below is the NYS ATSA position paper outlining our perspectives on the tools currently being utilized to assign Risk Levels to those convicted of sexual offenses.

NYSATSA and Alliance Position Paper

NYS ATSA Membership

Already a member of National ATSA? NYS ATSA is always looking for motivated professionals to join us in our mission to prevent sexual abuse. Learn more about the benefits of becoming a member!

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Since 1993

Our Mission

  • To reduce the level of sexual victimization.
  • To promote the increase, uniformity, and quality of assessment and treatment services for juvenile and adult sexual offenders.
  • To promote the development of a fully integrated continuum of services for sexual offenders.
  • To promote legislation on issues and funding for programs impacting sex offenders and survivors.
  • To promote offender accountability through restitution, mediation, treatment, supervision and incarceration; and
  • To promote community safety through the confinement of sex offenders unamenable to community-based treatment services.